oil clay

Silicon Rubber Mold Making Continues......

Day two of rubber mold making with the Deep in the Heart Art Foundry crew.
The first unthickened coat of rubber is almost completely finished. The silicon rubber is white but the normal set catalyst is purple which gives the first coat the lilac tint. The second coat is slightly thickened  and some higher speed catalyst is used which changes the color to tan and makes it easy to see where the new rubber has been applied. The third coat is very thick and applied like putty.
Today is the third day of the crew being here. I expect the rubber to get finished today......next up, plaster mother mold.

last of the first coat going on

Gary is blowing the fresh rubber with compressed air to pop any trapped air bubbles

second coat going on

Clint pouring rubber into the belly button

beginning to add the thickened third coat

spreading it out

third coat is applied to the entire  surface first, only then applied to the shim line

mixing more rubber

preparing the second drum of rubber for use

at the end of day 2, leg rubber is done, torso almost done

Keys have been added and rubber flanges trimmed

Mold making begins on "American Beauty"

I finished sculpting "American Beauty" today. I know I finished because Clint Howard brought his crew from Deep in the Heart Art Foundry and started mold making. 

This is it; I have to stop now

Laying down floor protection

She's finally ready to go

Creating an efficient work space

using playing cards for the shim lines

Gary joining the playing cards with masking tape

If you knock one card down they all fall like dominos

Shimming is finished on the legs, some of the crew moves on to shim the torso while Clint demonstrates how to apply silicon rubber on the legs.

Continued sculpting on "American Beauty"

Busy day today: made another double batch of oil-clay,  Jose Rodriguez,  Christie Hackler &
Christie Owen were all in working, Hackler left to do a news spot with Linda Cavanaugh of KFOR-TV about the upcoming Fringe opening this Friday and Dave Tamez from OETA came back to shoot more footage for the Gallery segment that will air this fall.

David L Phelps
Jose Rodriguez,  Christie Hackler & Christie Owen

Jose Rodriguez,  Christie Hackler & Christie Owen

the Bad Boy oil-clay maker eying his new batch

Monday's progress on "American Beauty"

Today Jose & I sculpted hair & ears; made great progress. Over the weekend,  we added a layer of clay over the entire form to unify the color thus making it much easier to understand the form we're sculpting. Tomorrow will be more sculpting of the form as well as smoothing the overall surface with flexible steel ribs.

Work is progressing well on American Beauty. Jose Rodriguez is up from Austin offering invaluable help in getting this piece finished with the attention to detail that I'm looking to achieve. I'm also getting great help from Christie Hackler and Christie Owen.
American Beauty

Red Head bad boy put back into service today
to make another 160 lbs of oil clay