Body cast: piece commissioned by the model

Applying Vasoline
Mold dividing lines are drawn with Sharpie before Vasoline is applied as a release agent.

Cutting up bandages
The plaster bandages are cut into manageable lengths before applying to the model.

Rear First
This is a two part plaster bandage body cast with the backside applied first.

Starting the front side
Beginning to apply bandages to the front while slightly overlapping the rear half. Applying Vasoline to the overlap prevents permanent bonding between the halves.

Finishing the front
This process can be done by a single person but the process goes more smoothly with assistance.

Almost done...

Removing Mold
It was harder to separate than it should have been. There was too much overlap and not enough Vasoline on the overlap.

Reassembling the mold
The mold should be reassembled as soon as possible while the bandages still have some flexibility. It’s easier to get good alignment before the bandages get to rigid.

Soaking the cast
The finished piece is cast using Hydrocal FGR 95.Soaking in hot water helps with demolding.

The hot water softens the plaster bandages making it easier to peel them off.

Cleaning up the finished piece
All done...
This is an example of a simple two piece plaster bandage body cast. The sculpture was commissioned by the model. The finished piece was cast with the U.S. Gypsum product Hydrocal FGR 95 and hemp. FGR 95 is a very strong gypsum product with a slow cure time. The model is standing on a platform making it easier on everyone’s back. Her arms are in a sling suspended from the ceiling to help her hold steady.